Build Adrian Ltd

Location: Swindon, Wiltshire
Member Since: 18th Nov 2019

About Us:

Build Adrian Ltd is a Decorating company based in Swindon with over 5 years experience covering all aspects of painting. We take pride in our work and finish every job to a high standard.


5 years in the trade. We develop the Business and type of work we do in a way that the client can benefit. Quality and time.


Nvq level 2 in Painting and Decorating


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Treat the area with stain block and repaint.
No. it's possible but it's not indicate. you will ruin the wallpaper and it's gonna look worse.
Undercoat paint is not for finish. that's why they called undercoat. it will be damaged very quickly if you don't put a gloss or any top coat.

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