Homeowner Support

How does it work?
Please see our how it works page for a full description of how the site works.
It's free to post a job, right?
Yes posting a job on the site is completely free. We charge tradespeople a small fee for use of the site. However, the use of our site often means that tradespeople end up spending less on advertising and are therefore able pass these savings onto their customers.
Do you guarantee the work?
We are not an agency and therefore do not guarantee work undertaken by our members. We do however maintain a sophisticated customer feedback database which helps homeowners make an informed decision as to which tradesperson to employ.
Are my contact details safe?
Another benefit of the MyWorkman system is that you only exchange contact with tradespeople if (having read their profile and reviews) you're interested in getting a quote. Before that all communication is done securely through the site.
How do I cancel a job?
If you've changed your mind about hiring a tradesperson or if you've received enough interest from our trade members, you can stop further interest in your job by taking the steps below.
  1. Go to the My Jobs page (login required), then select the job in question.
  2. Click the Stop Interest button.
Can I edit a job?
It's not possible to edit a job description. If needed, you can cancel a job and then post it again with a modified description.
  1. Go to the My Jobs page (login required), then select the job in question.
  2. Click the Stop Interest button.
When will I receive replies?
Interested tradespeople will typically reply within a few hours of you posting the job. For some jobs it can be worth waiting up to 24 hours. Adding photos to your job can increase the number of replies you'll get.
How many replies will I get?
The number of replies you get will depend various factors including:
  • The type of job
  • The location of the job
  • The description & photos
You can stop further replies from tradespeople any time.
What is shortlisting?
Shortlisting the way for you to exchange contact details with a tradesperson in order to discuss your project in more detail or to arrange for a quote. We verify your phone number to ensure that the tradesperson is able to reach you.
Do I need a telephone number to shortlist?
Yes, you will need to validate your telephone number in order to shortlist a tradesperson.
Is my telephone number shared with anyone else?
We only share your contact details with tradespeople that you have shortlisted.
Can I invite tradespeople to my job?
Yes, you can! Once you've posted a job we'll always alert matching tradespeople. However, you can get an even faster response by inviting tradespeople to your job. If the tradesperson accepts your invitation, they will be shortlisted and contact details exchanged. You can invite up to 10 tradespeople per job. For each job up to 3 tradespeople can accept your invitations.
How can I review a tradesperson?
Everyone that posts a job on MyWorkman is entitled to leave feedback about a tradesperson that they hired through the site. It's a great way of rewarding good work and holding tradespeople to account. Here's how:
  1. Go to the My Jobs page (login required) and select the job in question.
  2. Select the tradesperson in question, click the Leave Feedback button.

If you didn't post a job on MyWorkman, but would like to leave feedback, please see the next question.

I didn't post a job, can I leave feedback?
If you didn't post a job on MyWorkman, you won't be able to leave feedback on the site. It's part of what makes our feedback reliable. You can still send us feedback about your experience with tradesperson to customer_service@myworkman.co.uk. The feedback will never appear on their public profile. However, we may take it into consideration when reviewing the tradesperson's membership.
What are references?
When tradespeople start using MyWorkman they don't have any feedback. They can ask a maximum of 2 previous customers to provide references. References appear on their profile but are clearly marked as a reference rather than feedback. We believe references are useful to customers but do not provide the same peace of mind as feedback.
I can't log in.
If you are still having difficulties please contact us.
If you have a question that is not answered above, have a suggestion, or you would like to contact us for any other reason, please email us at customer_service@myworkman.co.uk.