Two pressure pumps on a Megaflow system?

Our shower has a water pressure pump located in the bathroom. It's been working well for many years. During recent renovations we had a new Megaflow system installed in the cellar (Joule Cyclone Platinum unvented cylinder) with a Sauermann Si-83 power pump. When he was checking the installation the plumber turned on the shower, then he switched on its pump and a pipe behind the shower burst due to too much water pressure. Water poured into the room below. The contractor is charging me for repairs and a new shower. I questioned this as I believe the plumber should have known the shower pump shouldn't be used with the new system. The contractor's reply was: "please understand it’s not our plumbers mistake or fault as your existing gravity system mixer wasn’t designed to withhold the pressure in the pressurised system. Please note, that this would’ve occurred with any other plumber as we did our due diligence by surveying externally but ultimately, we had no access to internal mechanism and/or manuals to review and analyse. Moreover, you’d have to integrate into the new system anyways" I don't understand much of what he's saying but is he right? Was the burst pipe unavoidable?

4 Answers

They should have asked you everything about your current plumbing setup from the beginning and therefore would have known that they had to remove the pump, as a mega flow system is designed to give the same pressure through the entire house. No pump needed. Of corse they knew there was a pump there
20th Mar 2024
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Ro Maintenance
0 Reviews
I understand the concerns about the burst pipe incident following the Megaflow system installation. It's important to note that Megaflow systems deliver mains pressure, making additional shower pumps unnecessary and potentially problematic. Recognizing this, it appears there was an oversight in assessing the compatibility of the existing shower pump with the new system.

As the professional responsible, I acknowledge the need for a more thorough compatibility check to prevent such issues. Moving forward, I commit to detailed evaluations for all system integrations and aim to resolve this matter promptly and fairly.
25th Mar 2024
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Plumbing hub
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If a mega flow was installed and the previous was gravity the pump should have been removed as you can’t pump mains pressure which a maga flow is
26th Apr 2024
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Fact services
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If previous cylinder was a vented type and you have had a unvented it’s installer negligence
29th Apr 2024
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