p trap installation

I have washing machine and tumble dryer installed using a Standpipe Twin Connector (with air break hole) on a vertical pipe going straight into the floor (drain pipe under floor), there is no p trap installed. I can smell sewer gases i believe reason being no p trap, now as the drain in the floor so i dont think we can install p trap so it has to be some kind of trap like S trap which i heard is not legal anymore. Plz advice on the solution

1 Answers

EC Renovations
4 Reviews, 100% Positive
If installing a traditional P-trap isn't feasible due to the drain being in the floor, consider alternatives like an air admittance valve to prevent sewer gas odors. While S-traps are an option, they're generally not recommended due to potential issues and may not comply with building codes.
8th May 2024
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