Change from gas to electric boiler

Hello, I'd really appreciate feedback on how easy/expensive is it to change from gas to electricity in your home. My old gas boiler will need replacing shortly and I am considering replacing it with an electric one so I would like to know what is involved in changing the hot water/heating system over. Thanks in advance for any replies.

4 Answers

KRW Electrical
0 Reviews
Depending on the type of electrical boiler you choose will determine the size of cable to use when upgrading. There will be more load on the supply than before therefore needing a new supply and mcb upgrade. There will also need to be an isolator installed, usually next to the new boiler.
15th May 2023
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This can be a simple change and a recommended change. Depending on the job but would save you thousands in the long run
28th Aug 2023
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I have done 3 on our property (it is big).

Once the gas is isolated and properly tapped (gasman needed), the old boiler removes quite easily.

Assuming you are going like for like (combi /heat only) the swap is not difficult. However a dedicated supply for you consumer unit will be needed. Most require 63a supply (single phase).

8th Nov 2023
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Electric central heating boilers are extremely efficient ( approx 99%) but unfortunately more expensive to run than gas depending on tariff prices etc. The actual price of
The boilers don’t differ much to gas depending on the manufacturer and installation costs would be approx the same
too. The gas would have to be capped off and removed safely but all the existing pipe work can remain in place for the new electric boiler.
11th Jan 2024
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