How long from deposit paid to fitting considered reasonable?

I ordered and paid over 50% of total price - 6 months later I still have not got the accessible bathroom installed. 4 false starts! 2 x bathroom fittings delivered one returned

8 Answers

I would say that is much longer than expected, and if the expected wait time is 6 months for work to be complete, this should of been stated from the very beginning. By the sounds of everything else you have said I would consider asking to return your money
18th May 2022
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P&d Renovations
0 Reviews
Depends if you ordered from a shop or if the tradesman ordered it if shop they always want a deposit but should be good with delivery dates but if tradesman before giving money let the tradesman get some quotes and delivery time frames before you give anything but usually 1 to 2 weeks tradesman should be starting and should have it done in 7/14 max depending on size but 6 months and still been messed around looks like someone just took your money and won’t start anything best thing for clients and tradesman is to write up a agreement both sign it and both are covered
16th May 2022
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2 Reviews, 100% Positive
Hi I think it is best u get the deposit back and go with another company as normally we would take deposit 1-2 weeks before the job starts if we needed it to purchase materials otherwise we would get the customer to pay in stages
16th May 2022
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Built 2 Spec Renovations
6 Reviews, 100% Positive
4 weeks max waiting time unless otherwise stated and agreed with client
27th Jul 2022
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I would fit within 1 week of receiving deposit
10th Oct 2022
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0 Reviews
If all materials are there there’s no reason a average sized bathroom should take longer then 2days if tilling that could take up to a week
3rd Oct 2022
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1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Sounds like a scam to be fair, sorry. As a good practice guide when I visit my customers I take a remit of what they require and once this is agreed along with installation quote I usually take payment for product and materials ONLY. Also as a rule of thumb the cost of doing most jobs is usually half the cost for product and materials and the other half for fitting..
of course this depends on what you have fitting as some customers have the budget to afford expensive goods in which case that would amount to more than 50%. Once the job is completed I then take the remaing balance which is normally the fitting costs. NEVER pay 50% of total refurbishment cost upfront. I have only ever known cowboys or unscrupulous fitters, normally foreighners but not always, to do this sort of thing. Sometimes a fitter may ask for some fitting money half way through your job but when you see this progress then that's OK if your happy with the work up to press. In closing it is most unusual to wait so long after paying this much. I would expect works to start 2-4weeks later once product is delivered. Hope this helps.
3rd Apr 2023
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Simply Home Designs
2 Reviews, 100% Positive
You should ask for your money back it is reasonable wait 8 weeks from order and it should take around 10 days to finish depending on what’s has got to be done you should have signed a contract setting what had to be done
6th Feb 2023
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