Reasons for damp/moisture in single brick extension

Hi, I have a single brick utility/garage extension which runs along the side if the main house (original survey indicated it was built later). In the back of the house is the kitchen which leads into the utility section of this extension. There is a damp or moisture issue affecting a particular section of the back wall of this extension in the bottom corner where it meets the original house. This can be seen via peeling paint and painted skirting being damaged. It seems to also extend along the perpendicular wall which separates the kitchen/utility at low levels. There appears to be damp proof course on inspection outside but unsure of its condition. Of possible reasons for this that I can think of; The area not insulated inside - room isnt thermally effiecent compared to kitchen. Room contains dryer, washing machine, fridge - condensation forming? No evidence of any on windows in room. Brick pointing looks poor in area directly outside where the issue inside is (crumbling in places). 2 drainpipes for washing machine and bathroom feed out into drains in area outside close to where pointing is weak. Pipes dont extend all the way into traps so chances of water splashing on brick? Any advice would be appreciated on how to identify the main cause(s) and best remedies.

4 Answers

Hi, this sounds like something we can help with. My initial thought is rising damp as a result of a failing DPC. We provide a FREE damp Survey. We would welcome the opportunity to visit you to investigate this further. If as I suspect it is rising damp we will explain the best course of treatment and leave you with a 12 month no obligation quotation to cure the problem. We then also provide a follow up Survey in the future to provide you with the reassurance the problem is rectified. All our work is provided with a 20 year warranty. I hope this helps. Chris
22nd Apr 2022
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I'd have to come and look to give proper verdict.
14th Apr 2022
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Built 2 Spec Renovations
6 Reviews, 100% Positive
Personally the pointing won’t help and will need re doing, drainage if leaking will need to be sorted, insulation could be an issue but so can poor ventilation… there are many things you could try but your best bet is to get a tradesman in to sort it…. It would save you time and money, kind regards
15th Aug 2022
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This seems to be an example of a few little factors all adding up to create a damp problem. We tend to find that at any one time a building can "manage" one small issue that may produce moisture, but when there are two, three or even four the problems overwhelm the ability of the property to manage the moisture levels and then damp and mould will form.
To go through the various issues one by one would be sensible. unfortunately some damp companies are not there to look at the various issues and find out what small, inexpensive steps you can take, they want to sell a damp proof treatment (usually injecting a product in the walls at great cost), this is normally what happens when you get offered a free inspection. Rising damp is the most misdiagnosed cause of damp and usually used to justify the work.
I would consider the condition of the outside wall as it seems water could be penetrating via the damaged brick pointing.
Next, is the damp area behind any of the large appliances? It may help just to make sure air can get to the damp areas and take away the excess moisture.
The washing machine and bath will both dump a lot of water all at once. Make sure the drain can cope and it does not back up ( is there any green growth or tide marks?). take a look when they are emptying to see how the drains cope.
Does the dryer vent outside? is the pipe connected properly? The warm damp air from a dryer is bad news for a house.
11th Jul 2023
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