Laminate over ceramic tiles - damp proof

Hi all, We are converting a veranda to a home office. The existing floor is ceramic tiles (in very good condition), and we will place laminate wood flooring over it. We will also place a 5mm underlayment for cushioning and thermal insulation. A point of debate is whether damp proof membrane should also be placed. So the layers would be: tile-membrane-underlayment-laminate. I know that the tiles are pretty much waterproof so it may not be necessary. There is also the concern whether this being a previously outdoor space, if condensation will be created under the damp proof and create any problems there. If that is not a possibility, and given the low cost of the membrane, would it hurt to provide an extra layer of protection from both underneath, but also from the sides? thanks!

10 Answers

Floors & More
0 Reviews
personally i would use a damp proof membrane (dpm) otop of the tiles underneath the underlay to prevent any rising damp reaching the underlay and laminate flooring a thick polythene is all that you would require ,it you have adequate airflow and ventilation condensation shouldn't cause any issues
31st Jan 2022
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NTI Carpentry
0 Reviews
Yes, roll a membrane over top. Then your underlay on top.
12th Jan 2022
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Shop fitters unlimited
4 Reviews, 100% Positive
Hello. I wouldn't be worried about damp from below. It would be from above. Any moisture to a MDF laminate is brutal.Even the plastic laminate will not stand this. I would only ever put any kind of laminate inside. If you want to go for an alternative floor covering on a veranda I would go for a composite decking. Any questions let me know
14th Apr 2022
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Hysi construction Ltd
2 Reviews, 100% Positive
Laminate flooring goes very well over ceramic tiles. It is a thin, solid flooring system that doesn't require adhesive, and comes with a padded underlayment that helps smooth out any contour from the ceramic. Laminate is a cheap, fast flooring solution that easily goes right over ceramic tile.
10th Jan 2022
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Joao mendonca
0 Reviews
On my point of view instead of laying on top of tiles and then membranes etc it makes you spending double of money plus time in doing it,why not taking off all the floor tiling and doing it properly from starting on the base you have underneath the tiles,it would solve the questions and be doing the right way
31st Dec 2021
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T & T Construction
3 Reviews, 100% Positive
If it's a concrete floor substrate I would go with some kind of membrane because you will get condensation
24th Jan 2022
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B Floored
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Personally I would not lay laminate on top of tiles. Unless you are trying save the tiles, i would take them up and lay laminate straight onto subfloor. Prevention is better than curse as they say.
However a damp-proof membrane would be advised, to stop moisture rising up into the underlay and cause the laminate floor to Warp and buckle over time.
4th Mar 2022
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Hi good evening hope you're well if you're going over tiles I would normally say get it damp tested and then put a screed over it then it will be fine . I gey this often and I have no issues
1st Mar 2022
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Hi flooring
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Xps underlay will be ok or a underlay with damp proof membrane would do the job
24th Oct 2022
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The main worry to me would be temperature. If the sub floor is insulated that will be ok, if not the floor will not like the changes in temperature. I would buy a thermal underlay (not much more than normal underlay) and I would tape the joints of the underlay with silver tape then lay above. A plastic membrane is unnecessary in my opinion (I've been a carpenter for 22 year) and could course unnecessary movement.

I hope this helps

Samuel Beechview carpentry
25th Nov 2022
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