Labour charge for new part following service?

I paid for a boiler service which I have done every year. A small part was found to be needed. The engineer came back and fixed it. I was shocked to then receive an invoice for £90 for part and labour. Would it be normal to charge for labour (£40) for a new part following a service? If he had the part on him at the time, there would be no extra labour.

1 Answers

Yes, a service is just to test the boiler is safe efficient and not dangerous, if a part is broken then you should be charged for the time (labour) it takes to change a part, very rarely is a boiler part a straight swap its all interlinked with numerous parts needing removed to change, and once a part has been changed all the service tests must be done again to ensure disturbing the boiler hasn't affected it in any way
4th Mar 2021
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