Ceiling bulging following plastering?

I have just had artex living room ceiling plastered over. Since then have noticed a huge bulge in part of the ceiling and one or two smaller bulges. My family have owned this house for 40+ years and have never noticed these until now. Plasterer says not to worry it is the joists above bowing and that it is indeed the shape of the ceiling. I'm really not convinced but would appreciate any input or advice thanks.

7 Answers

SLH plastering
6 Reviews, 100% Positive
Hi did you notice a bulge before it was plastered? If not the plasterer may not of pva the ceiling properly before it was skimmed,as it will peel off.
29th Nov 2020
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Apex Plasterwork
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Hi, this could be caused by the plaster not adhering to the pva or the weight of the plaster effecting the original artex.

Does it sound “hollow” if you lightly tap the bulging areas?
20th Dec 2020
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Dpc construct ltd
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
You have to remove the damaged area and to check too see what it's the problem
4th Jan 2021
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2 Reviews, 100% Positive
The plasterer is probably correct in what he says but would have to inspect to be sure, ceilings are generaly artexed to hide uneven ceilings
20th Jan 2021
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0 Reviews
old plaster or there was water and this water when it evaporated left air between the ceiling and the plaster. it just needs to be demolished as much as possible and inspected again and plastered
2nd Mar 2021
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It sounds like the Artex Underneath the plaster is blown And this could lead to the bulge dropping down on u
28th Nov 2020
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artex should be removed before plastering plaster plasterers put plaster on artex to earn money quickly and do not worry about what will happen next, a respectable plasterer will not put a market on paper but here a gypsum board could fall off from the ceiling beams even during plastering check
28th Apr 2023
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