TMV valve problems (lack of them!)

I have just had what should purportedly have been a high class refurbishment/conversion ( costing some 750K) in an existing building. In one of the baths and at all sinks through the property there are no TMV valves. The builder (much has gone wrong with the plumbing) is now relying that under Water Regulaitions TMVs only have to be fitted in New Builds. Indeed I have checked this and this is correct. However, the contractors DID place one TMV on top of the water cylinder which has made no difference at all to the generally heat of the water throughout the apartment. My question in the circumstances (I do not want to be accused of asking a leading question) is what would the majority of good quality Plumbers do whilst working on a high quality refurbishment/conversion and not a New Build. Would they put TMVs everywhere or use the Water Regulation Rules not to install TMVs. Thank you and I look forward to receiving your responses.

8 Answers

42 Reviews, 98% Positive
Everywhere if posible
23rd Mar 2017
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Handy Plumbing
2 Reviews, 50% Positive
Regardless of the regulations on new builds it is the plumbers job to know if what he is installing is going to be enough to do the job in hand and to keep the customer informed along the way of the install . This is how i work and if it is not doing the job properly then your plumber should have known or at very least after the system had been tested informed you that it needed them installed .
30th Apr 2017
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16th Feb 2017
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Ferguson Plumbing & Gas Services
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Building Regulations state as do the water bylaw regulations state that a TMV1 be fitted at a basin and that a TMV2 fitted at the bath...
14th Mar 2017
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TMVs are very good. You can control the temp with them. You may want living room such and such a temp & Brooms at another temp. We would have fitted them to a refurb such as yours.
22nd Feb 2017
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D. Ingham Plumbing & Heating
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
I would fit them everywhere to be honest.
2nd Apr 2017
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1 Reviews, 100% Positive
There are many questions before an answer can be given. Who purchased the radiators? Spending such amount in renovation which means is a very big project that must have been taken by a big company, so you shouldn't have a problem getting them to sort out whatever that's wrong.
23rd Nov 2017
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Pipe Dreams Services Ltd
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Question is did you ask for them to be fitted or did they indicate in there quote they would. If no to both these questions then no plumbers would not add them
31st Mar 2019
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