Best method to paint a patio?

I would like to paint my concrete patio slabs, I have power washed and re pointed so would like advice on best method and products, many thanks ????

22 Answers

Prime the surface after washed down then apply the paint and then seal the surface
12th Jun 2023
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3 Reviews, 100% Positive
Most flooring paint’s will do the job I would go for industrial type similar to what’s used in warehouses ect
6th Jun 2023
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1 Reviews, 100% Positive
oil-based paint would be indicated
26th Jun 2023
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There are special water-based concrete paints that are available. I would make sure all is dust free and apply with a roller on a calm wind free day.
26th Apr 2023
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T. M. Ladaru
0 Reviews
Sand down your patio, give it a good clean and wash, wait for patio to fully dry before applying paint to make sure the paint will stick, insist with the brush to cover any wholes in the concrete and give a smooth finish.
15th May 2023
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0 Reviews
Always prime before painting concrete. Begin applying concrete primer by using a paint brush on the corners and edges of the concrete floor or surface. Use a paint roller to apply primer throughout the floor. Two coats of primer are recommended for best results.
15th May 2023
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Apply special primer. Then apply several layers of special floor paint, observing the drying times. Finally, protect freshly painted panels.


Nelson brown
Paint &Decorator
31st May 2023
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My building
0 Reviews
You can paint is not going the paint
15th Jun 2023
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Painting slabs is never a good idea the footfall a patio has the paint will come off very easily i wouldnt recommend it
24th Jul 2023
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CC Builders
0 Reviews
acrylic or oil based paitns are the best for useing out door on patio or slabs
18th Jul 2023
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Some exterior paint advertises itself as self-priming but remember that your patio slabs are a high-traffic area, then after this you paint, then finally seal it.
4th Sep 2023
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Awe brickwork
0 Reviews
Well epoxy paint or masonry paint cause they are resistant to weather wear and moisture. So concrete is porous and absorbs moisture so you need to use a masonry sealer
5th Aug 2023
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Adrian stolarek
0 Reviews
Clean and repair any cracks.
Apply a concrete primer.
Paint with a roller and brush.
Allow to dry completely.
Optionally, apply a clear concrete sealer for added protection.
29th Sep 2023
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Kentdec Ltd
2 Reviews, 100% Positive
Tikkurila Patio Paving Stain
You can get it From

or smartseal patio colour seal from
31st Aug 2023
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When power washing wait until it dries, then after that just paint it. We use masonry paint.
26th Sep 2023
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0 Reviews
Sadtex exterior paint
25th Sep 2023
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House services and maintenance
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Here's a step-by-step guide on the best method and products to use:

Materials and Tools:

Concrete Primer: Choose a high-quality concrete primer suitable for outdoor use.
Concrete Paint: Select a concrete paint or concrete stain designed for exterior surfaces. Look for one that provides good adhesion and is resistant to UV rays and weathering.
Paint Roller and Tray: A roller with a long handle is ideal for large areas.
Paintbrush: For cutting in around edges and corners.
Painter's Tape: Use this to mask off any areas you don't want to paint, such as adjacent walls or plants.
Paint Stirrer: To thoroughly mix the paint.
Drop Cloths: To protect surrounding areas from paint splatters.
Concrete Sealer (optional): A clear concrete sealer can help protect the paint and extend its lifespan.
Safety Gear: Wear gloves, eye protection, and a mask to protect yourself from fumes.

Clean the Surface: Ensure the concrete patio is clean and free from dirt, debris, and any loose or flaking paint. You mentioned that you've already power washed and re-pointed the patio, which is a great start.

Allow the Surface to Dry: Make sure the patio is completely dry before applying any paint. This may take a day or two depending on the weather conditions.

Apply Primer: Use a roller or brush to apply a concrete primer to the entire patio surface. The primer helps the paint adhere better and provides a more even finish. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for drying time.

Apply Concrete Paint: Once the primer is dry, apply your chosen concrete paint. Start from one end of the patio and work your way to the other, using long, even strokes with the roller. Be sure to overlap each pass slightly to ensure uniform coverage. Use a paintbrush to cut in around edges and corners.

Allow to Dry: Follow the paint manufacturer's recommended drying time. This can vary depending on the product and weather conditions.

Apply Additional Coats (if needed): Depending on the coverage and color intensity you desire, you may need to apply a second or even a third coat of paint. Allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying the next.

Seal (Optional): If you want extra protection for your painted patio, you can apply a clear concrete sealer according to the manufacturer's instructions. This will help protect the paint from UV rays and weathering and extend its lifespan.

Remove Masking: Carefully remove any painter's tape once the paint is fully dry.

Clean Up: Clean your brushes, rollers, and other tools with water or the recommended solvent for the paint you used.

Keep in mind that the longevity of your painted concrete patio will depend on factors such as the quality of the paint, the amount of foot traffic, and exposure to the elements. Proper maintenance, such as periodic cleaning and resealing, can help prolong the life of the paint and keep your patio looking great.
18th Sep 2023
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Dab Hand
0 Reviews
Prime and paint.
19th Feb 2024
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ATIF painter
0 Reviews
Painting concrete patio slabs can be a great way to freshen up the look of your outdoor space. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve the best results:

1. **Prepare the Surface:**
- Start by thoroughly cleaning the concrete patio slabs to remove any dirt, grime, or debris. Use a pressure washer or a stiff-bristled brush and a solution of mild detergent to scrub the surface.
- Allow the patio to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

2. **Repair Any Damage:**
- Check the patio slabs for any cracks, chips, or other damage. Fill in any cracks or holes with a suitable concrete patching compound and allow it to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions.

3. **Prime the Surface:**
- Apply a concrete primer to the patio slabs to ensure proper adhesion of the paint. Use a roller or a paintbrush to apply the primer evenly, and allow it to dry completely before proceeding.

4. **Choose the Right Paint:**
- Select a high-quality concrete paint or masonry paint suitable for exterior use. Look for a paint specifically designed for concrete surfaces, as these will provide better durability and weather resistance.
- Consider factors such as color, finish (e.g., matte, satin, or glossy), and whether the paint offers any additional features such as UV protection or slip resistance.

5. **Apply the Paint:**
- Stir the paint thoroughly before application to ensure even color distribution.
- Use a roller or a paint sprayer to apply the paint to the patio slabs. Work in small sections and apply the paint evenly, being careful to avoid drips and puddles.
- If you're using multiple coats, allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next one, following the manufacturer's recommended drying times.

6. **Add Texture or Patterns (Optional):**
- If you want to add texture or create patterns on the painted patio surface, consider using stencils, stamps, or textured rollers. This can add visual interest and enhance the overall appearance of the patio.

7. **Seal the Surface (Optional):**
- Once the paint has dried completely, consider applying a concrete sealer to protect the surface and enhance its durability. Choose a sealer suitable for use over painted surfaces, and follow the manufacturer's instructions for application.

By following these steps and using high-quality products, you can achieve a beautifully painted concrete patio that will enhance your outdoor space for years to come.
4th Mar 2024
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Give it as many based coat possible then it should be smooth sailing there on
8th Apr 2024
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Robs Papering & Painting
2 Reviews, 100% Positive
Use a resin coat outdoor patios paint.
Simple to use by roller and brush for edges, and will prime,protect and give you a long lasting finish.
Ensure each slab is thoroughly clean and dry.
4th Apr 2024
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RJ Painting & Decorating
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Use a concrete paint to paint your slabs make sure you have dry weather tho Everest is a good choice for your slabs I used it a couple of weeks ago
29th May 2024
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