Bumpy, stretch mark looking plaster

We had three bedrooms plastered. Noticed today the walls in one room are bumpy, don’t look straight, marks on them and odd hard bubbles! Why has this happened? Plaster or plasterer?

14 Answers

Saxton Plastering Ltd
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Describing the finish of the plaster I would say that the plaster has possibly gone off to quickly one applied to the walls or not enough bond (PVA bond) on the existing wall. If the walls are not straight that is 100% plasterers fault but some times bubbling can happen because of heat and drying too quickly
6th May 2021
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Gilbertmv ltd
6 Reviews, 83% Positive
7th Apr 2021
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Your builder
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Could be both-Plasterer used out of date plaster.
22nd Apr 2021
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Plumbing works
2 Reviews, 100% Positive
The plaster fault if all material are correctly
12th May 2021
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AB works
0 Reviews
Plasterer trying to rush the job or someone who says they can plaster but really can’t
10th Apr 2021
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1 Reviews, 100% Positive
The person who has done it hasn't done it properly. The person plastering must ensure they have carried out the correct steps in preparing the plaster and mixing it. They must apply it smoothly with the right tools. In this occasion the plasterer hasn't done that so it will need to be re done
23rd Apr 2021
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You are more likely to get uneven walls if the walls are mortar and have only been scimmed instead of plastered. Plasterboard should be easy to get perfect. As for blemishes this is due to flicking water to hard on the almost dry plaster or over wetting the finnish while troweling off. Its a possibility the plaster dried too quickly and couldn't be flattened properly in time. The blemishes can be sanded easily but shouldn't create a job by being all over the wall.
13th May 2021
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LBM plasterers
0 Reviews
Sorry to say, Sounds like a cowboys job
They didn't trowel up enough or correctly
The bubbles shouldn't show if troweled properly.
Iv personally only had bubbles once, that was due to PVA still wet while skimming
Very easy to flatten.
16th Jan 2022
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Dash plastering services
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
plasterer. sounds like poor workmanship not enough preparation before plastering them
11th Jan 2022
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Plastering services wales
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
In my experience that’s usually a bad plasterer… unfortunately it’s only when plaster gets painted you can actually see the defects …
8th Mar 2022
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0 Reviews
If is the bubbles big and when you tik on them is sound like kraks and around it appears crack is when didn't prepared properly the surface, and the plaster it can happen to came off, if is smoll bubbles marks and don't look straight is the plasterer unexperienced.
29th Oct 2022
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the walls are laid twice here the walls are laid only once, the first layer will not cover the unevenness the plasterer who did it was an amateur, or he simply did not want to put a second layer that would cover all the unevenness and bubbles
28th Apr 2023
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PL Plastering
0 Reviews
He must of put bonding on walls and skimming to early using to much when trailing up if you wet the walls down with a brush and give them a hard trowel it should get rid of your bubbles I could sort ot bad plastering
3rd Jul 2023
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Could be the plaster that has reacted to what was underneath for the bubbles for perfectly straight walls I would recommend dot and dab fresh board over old work as plaster is 2-4 mm thick and won’t cover dips and bumps in old walls alternatively if the plasterer noticed these dips and bumps he should have built them out with bonding before hand so 6 of one half dozen of the other.
19th Dec 2023
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