Vinyl tiles over floorboards

I removed carpets to find original untreated floorboards with a few old paint splotches on them. I've read that you need ply underlay before laying vinyl tiles or else over time they will crack or the board's will show through over time. How long is "over time" - a few weeks, months ? Thanks

12 Answers

C&S Building Services
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
If I was going to do your floor I would put a 3-5mm ply down then lay the floor on top of that. Over time can be anything from weeks to years depending on how often the floor will be walked on. Ie: high traffic area
9th Feb 2021
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I've been laying all types of flooring for over 15 years, and yes ply underlay is needed but that is needed for a clean bonding surface for your adhesive vinyl tiles and applying the ply board will prevent cracking of vinyl tiles, in regards to your question you should be able to walk on it straight away and your should expect wear and tear over the course of several years as it is to be expected. If the floor your laying on is used alot like a hallway from front door then wear and tear will be increased.
Hope this helps kind regards Jason.
9th Feb 2021
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L&J decorators
2 Reviews, 100% Positive
Hi, over time can be 2 weeks to 6 months, that depends how much the floor will be used. In any case the underlay is needed also to create a straight smooth substrate for the tiles witch will help to nor damage the tiles with the time and also for avoid to feel any imperfection of the floor.
31st Mar 2021
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RMG Flooring
0 Reviews
There's a couple of different types of vinyl tiles (click together and glue down) and while the click together type is slightly more forgiving, they both need a very flat and smooth base.
Without seeing the floorboards i couldn't say 100% if it needs plying or not but my first reaction on hearing 'floorboards' is that installing plywood first is essential.
6mm thick ply is the usual and 9mm if the floorboards are wonky. If you were to lay the vinyl tiles directly to the floorboards then you stand a high chance of failure of the locking system of the click type and i wouldn't even like to imagine installing glue down tiles direct to floorboards.
25th Jul 2021
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Hi flooring
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
You would need to ply the room out or if it’s concrete a screed would be best
24th Oct 2022
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Card Flooring
0 Reviews
Answer varies depending on the product you use and type of sub floor prep you agree on
23rd Feb 2023
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Jag flooring
0 Reviews
Hello there hope you’re okay yes I would highly recommend not put in a vinyl plank straight on top or floorboards for one floor boards are not treated and yes you would need to put a WPB plywood down before installing and probably will take around about a month for the Lions underneath to start showing through so I would highly recommend not installing on top of floorboards thanks Jordon
5th Jan 2023
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0 Reviews
Depends on how flat your subfloor is, and the type of product you put down. Usually pretty quickly within a few months, this will depend on foot traffic though.

If you are spending money putting vinyl down, spend the extra to get the subfloor right. If you don't then pulling it back up to reprep and lay it will be more expensive
15th Feb 2023
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Floors at Home
0 Reviews
It would happen quite quickly but the most important thing is to follow the manufacturers instructions as vinyl tiles normally come with quite a long period of guarantee. The ply should also be sp101 and at least 6mm thick
5th Aug 2023
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Surrey floors
0 Reviews
Will need to be ply boarded and feather edged on the gaps
11th Oct 2023
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To be fair all depends on amount of traffic but I would defiantly ply it out
17th Jan 2024
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Andover carpets
0 Reviews
What should be used for a number of reasons is 6mm flooring grade ply.

1 is to keep your flooring in warranty.
2 is try and keep floor smooth and level.
3 is to stop cracks showing though the tile.
20th May 2024
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