Advice for poorly layed patio?

We got a builder in to re-do and add to our current patio. He didn't dig down far enough, didn't appropriately level out the earth and then didn't put hard core across the entire space. Only in the areas that he though needed raising to meet certain levels of the earth. Slabs went down. Levels were completely out, we asked so some to be lifted and re-done as they were concave to look at. Even after they were not level, some where sitting too high. Visible to the naked eye. We got fed up with the disorganisation and stopped the work. Decided to get another builder to look at what had been done. He pointed out that it had not been dug anywhere deep enough to give a stable enough based to work from. He showed us what he was talking about. He started to lift the slabs by hand without any effort , only one broke out of the 96 layed. They weren't even held down by the cement. Pointing broke away and crumbled. We contacted to original builder and said that we weren't happy and would like the labour cost back that we had paid in good faith. The original builder is employed by a salaried job but was turning up in the company vehicle in the evenings to this work. We asked whether our patio was being done as a self employed job or under the name of his employer and he didn't like it. He agreed over the phone (we have a recording of the call), to pay us the labour cost back. He's now asking for photos of the space having been dug up again because he's adamant what he did was accurate. Has anyone got any advise please. Many thanks

6 Answers

customscape ltd
0 Reviews
when i go to the job like this i advice customer to do it right way so lift the slabs check the ground first if it is good solid base 100mm hardcore customer can choose to just re lay it on the existing base to minimise cost .
adding new slabs you have to dig it out 150mm put down weed control membrane and 100mm harcore some people put 50mm all depend whats the ground like.
if what he is done anything different what i just wrote he should pay back to you for the labour cost and material wasted.
When my customer say i am too expensive i ask if price or cost is too expensive,price can be low at the start but overall cost more expensive.
I hope the answer is good enough new contractor will solve the problem.
9th Nov 2020
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That's very unfortunate that has happened but it has to be dealt with and there is only one way to do a job like this and that's to do it right ,the right way,

If I had to continue this job for a customer I would start all over again .

Dig the bace 150MM lay 50MM of type 1 MOT bace compact with a whacker then another 50MM of type 1 on top again compact it again then we will have a good bace to work with no sinking .

If the patio has to be layed next to the house them we need to dig the bace 300MM to keep dampness away from the house..
17th Oct 2020
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Jack reed landscapes
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
Hi it’s jack reed landscapes it sounds to me to save any comebacks and to get a long lasting patio that all the slabs need to be lifted and sub base layers need to Be sorted properly I.e dug out properly Then allowing minimum off 50 mm hardcore thickness then allowing a decent thickness of cement and sand bed ideally between 30 mm - 70 mm to Give you a nice level solid patio this is something we can do and have a lot of experience in paving if you want to contact me or look at my work feel free cheers jack reed
9th Nov 2020
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Sounds like he didn't put enough sand base down or level it off properly sometimes all you need is a good base and patience to get a job done properly
20th Nov 2020
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Take picture send them to him that way you have proof that you have done your end of the deal next step would then be take them to a small courts claim if your not happy with the work done your entirely within your rights for it to be done again only draw back could be he could say someone else has raised them hence not his work now
21st Feb 2023
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firstly the area should have all been cleared not just dug up where he felt they should be the only photos you need provide him with are of the high raised flags and the areas that you are not satisfied with unless the ground or surface underneath the flags is 100%solid the flags should always be cemented in
17th Aug 2022
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